hang on little tomato

i am destined for greater things!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

it's summertime

it is sooooooo hot..it's really summer already!!! i am just lucky that for the most part of the day, i am cooped up in my very very very cold (as in brrrrrr) cube over at gateway. it actually gets too cold sometimes that we complain already. really.

i felt how hot it really was when i had dinner with daddy berta and momma mows today at fuzion in greenbelt (note: i liked my order - cajun chicken with brown rice). we stayed outside and it was really really hot! as in i'm not one who normally complains that it's hot but during dinner, i kept on saying that it was. anyway, i missed them sooooo much! i used to be with this couple practically every weekend, may it be rakenrolling in saguijo or road-slash-food tripping around UP. it was nice chatting up with them, hearing daddy's occasional sermons (think girl, think!) and mommy's infectious laughter. i really really missed them a lot. hope i get to see them more often.

i also miss joeyboey..my boracay partner!!! i got to chat with her this afternoon and i just found out that she's going to boracay on Labor Day weekend with les and her brothers..senti!!! boracay moments with her were the best..7 days of just lounging around..lamon..sunbathing..shopping..lamon again..bonding..pigging out on REAL COFFEE food!!! aawwww..i miss my usual cold chocolate and french toast - i had that every morning last year (calamansi cupcake here is yummy. also the pesto omelette). awwww...NAKAKA-MISS!!! we also pigged out on pizza at aria. as in 3 big slices each. ha ha ha. sarap lumamon.

it was also great that we were there on a full-moon weekend. the tide was low and the moonlight was strong that it was really nice walking at night along the beach since it was clear and well-lit. it was really nice. pretty cozy and nostalgic. she's actually inviting me to go with her but i don't know if i can. i'd really love to go with her again..i really had so much fun with her last year. love you joey!

i am actually on vacation mode already, what with the 4-day weekend!! i don't know what i'll be doing though. i don't mind staying at home, probably sewing or watching dvds..except that it's going to be hot for sure!!!! to think sarado malls. argh. tagaytay na lang siguro..or baguio!

gosh, looking forward to all the trips that i may take this summer (and the rest of the year dapat!)..hope i really get to do so. ubos nga lang pera..but i'm sure it will all be worth it! basta okay kasama mo, if you know what i mean *wink wink*



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